Time Allotted: 30 minutes.
Time Taken:   
Question No. 1
229. An egg in which the yolk is concentrated towards one pole is called
A. telolecithal
B. centrolecithal
C. isolecithal
D. mesolecithal

A  B  C  D  
Question No. 2
203. Measures to control plant diseases are
A. Prophylactic
B. Therapeutic
C. Immunization
D. All the three

A  B  C  D  
Question No. 3
7. The AV node in the heart of man is
A. Pace maker
B. Pace setter
C. Purkinji fibres
D. Bundle of his

A  B  C  D  
Question No. 4
27. Blood groups were discovered by
A. Landsteiner
B. Ronald Ross
C. Altmann
D. Losch

A  B  C  D  
Question No. 5
97. The spindle fibres arise from
A. Centriole
B. Centromere
C. Nucleus
D. Mitochondria

A  B  C  D  
Question No. 6
232. The apical cell theory of the development of meristems is attributed to
A. Schmidt and Foster
B. Popham and Chan
C. Hanstein
D. Hoffmeister and Nagelli

A  B  C  D  
Question No. 7
86. A cell in reases in volume when placed in solution which is
A. Isotonic
B. Hypotonic
C. Hypertonic
D. None of the above

A  B  C  D  
Question No. 8
110. Schizont stage in the life cycle of malarial parasite occurs in
A. Erythrocytes of man
B. Stomach of Anopheles
C. Blood of man
D. Salivary glands of Anopheles

A  B  C  D  
Question No. 9
204. Pseudo stratified epithelium is found in;
A. Female reproductive system
B. Blood vessels
C. Passage of respiratory and male reproductive system
D. Digestive tract

A  B  C  D  
Question No. 10
155. Collenchyma is found in stems and petioles of :
A. Hydrophytes
B. Herbaceous climbers
C. Xerophytes
D. Lianas

A  B  C  D  
Question No. 11
151. The organisation of the shoot apex into tunica and corpus is determined largely on the basis of :
A. rate of shoot tip growth
B. rate of cell division
C. planes of cell division
D. regions of meristematic activity

A  B  C  D  
Question No. 12
225. Spicules in sponges are the products of
A. Scleroblasts
B. Archaeocytes
C. Choanocoytes
D. Amoebocytes

A  B  C  D  
Question No. 13
236. In which of the following organisms are enzymes absent ?
A. Fungi
B. Viruses
C. Algae
D. Blue green algae

A  B  C  D  
Question No. 14
241. The substance that converts insoluble food materials into soluble state are :
A. enzymes
B. vitamins
C. hormones
D. all do this

A  B  C  D  
Question No. 15
160. The fovea consis of
A. equal amounts of rods and cones
B. more rods than cones
C. only rods
D. only cones

A  B  C  D  
Question No. 16
206. Phonoreceptors are located in the
A. lining of the nasal chamber
B. organs of corti
C. corpora quadrigemina
D. buccal cavity

A  B  C  D  
Question No. 17
80. Meiosis in Spirogyra occurs in
A. Zygote
B. Zygospore
C. Germling
D. Main body

A  B  C  D  
Question No. 18
157. Cottony downy growth or superficially occurring powder substrance in diseased plants is referred to as
A. Rust
B. Smut
C. Scab
D. Mildew

A  B  C  D  
Question No. 19
131. If the ribosomes of a cell are destroyed then
A. Respiration will not take place
B. Photosynthesis will not occur
C. Fats will not be stored
D. Proteins will not be formed

A  B  C  D  
Question No. 20
20. A centrum concave in front as well as behind is called :
A. Amphiplatyan
B. Amphicoelous
C. Acoelous
D. Procoelous

A  B  C  D  
Question No. 21
189. Pollination by birds is
A. anemophily
B. hydrophily
C. entomophily
D. ornithophily

A  B  C  D  
Question No. 22
123. In the blood vascular sysrtem of Earthworm there are four pairs of hearts present in the first 13 segments. These are situated in segments
A. 7th.8th,9th and 10th
B. 9th, 10th, 12th and 13th
C. 8th, 9th, 12th and 13th
D. 7th, 9th, 12th and 13th

A  B  C  D  
Question No. 23
166. Coupling and Repulsion are the two faces of :
A. Crossing over
B. Linkage
C. Chiasmata
D. Mutation

A  B  C  D  
Question No. 24
106. The diploid parthenogenesis is termed as
A. Thelytokous
B. Arrehenotokous
C. Natural
D. Obligatory

A  B  C  D  
Question No. 25
5. Milk protein is acted upon by a gastric enzyme
A. Caesin
B. Rennin
C. Pepsin
D. Caesinogen

A  B  C  D  
Question No. 26
140. The commonest thing which can respire in the absence of oxygen is
A. Yeast
B. Potato
C. Chlorella
D. Fish

A  B  C  D  
Question No. 27
30. In which vertabra of the rabbit, the neural spine is long and directed backwards ?
A. Thoracic
B. Lumbar
C. Cervical
D. Sacral

A  B  C  D  
Question No. 28
79. The algae which help in the fixation of nitrogen belong to class
A. Rhodophyceae
B. Chlorophyceae
C. Cyanophyceae
D. Phaeophyceae

A  B  C  D  
Question No. 29
20. A centrum concave in front as well as behind is called :
A. Amphiplatyan
B. Amphicoelous
C. Acoelous
D. Procoelous

A  B  C  D  
Question No. 30
22. In mammals the membranous labyrinth is situated in
A. Periotic
B. Prootic
C. Ear ossicles
D. Tympanic bulla

A  B  C  D  
Question No. 31
48. The condition of androecium in the Malvaceae is
A. Diadelphous
B. Didynamous
C. Syngenesious
D. Monadelphous

A  B  C  D  
Question No. 32
100. The antibiotic activity of fungus Pencillium was first noted by
A. De Bary
B. Walker
C. Flemming
D. Blakeslee

A  B  C  D  
Question No. 33
225. Spicules in sponges are the products of
A. Scleroblasts
B. Archaeocytes
C. Choanocoytes
D. Amoebocytes

A  B  C  D  
Question No. 34
243. Volvox is a
A. a filamentous form
B. a branched filamentous form
C. colonial form
D. single celled

A  B  C  D  
Question No. 35
60. Amnion is an extra embryonic membrane which develops during the embryonic development of
A. Cockroach
B. Lizard
C. Toad
D. Fish

A  B  C  D  
Question No. 36
102. Which of the following is a coelenterate ?
A. Sea pen
B. Sea horse
C. Sea archin
D. Sea cucumber

A  B  C  D  
Question No. 37
173. The vitamin which is deficient in diet of anaemic persons is :
A. B12
B. B6
C. A
D. Both (a) and ©

A  B  C  D  
Question No. 38
101. Palaeontology is the stydy of
A. Primates
B. Birds
C. Fossils
D. Bones

A  B  C  D  
Question No. 39
191. The fruit body of penicillium is :
A. Apothecium
B. Cleistothecium
C. Perithecium
D. Gynoecium

A  B  C  D  
Question No. 40
160. The fovea consis of
A. equal amounts of rods and cones
B. more rods than cones
C. only rods
D. only cones

A  B  C  D  
Question No. 41
208. Which of the following are not mesodermal in origin ?
A. muscle, cartilage bone
B. bone marrow, blood lymphoid tissue
C. blood vessels, genital ducts ,kidneys
D. thymus, trachea, bladder

A  B  C  D  
Question No. 42
35. Typical vertebrae of frog are from :
A. 1-7
B. 3-7
C. 2-8
D. 2-9

A  B  C  D  
Question No. 43
35. Typical vertebrae of frog are from :
A. 1-7
B. 3-7
C. 2-8
D. 2-9

A  B  C  D  
Question No. 44
248. The spores of Agaricus are
A. telutospores
B. conidiospores
C. basidiospores
D. ascospores

A  B  C  D  
Question No. 45
48. The condition of androecium in the Malvaceae is
A. Diadelphous
B. Didynamous
C. Syngenesious
D. Monadelphous

A  B  C  D  
Question No. 46
167. The sudden apperaence of an ancestral character in a member of today's population is called :
A. Regression
B. Replicon
C. Atavism
D. all of the above

A  B  C  D  
Question No. 47
47. The element that helps in transport of electrons from water in photosynthesis
A. Molybdenum
B. Zinc
C. Chlorine
D. Boron

A  B  C  D  
Question No. 48
53. Which of the element is essential for life of animals and not for plants ?
A. Calcium
B. Iodine
C. Phosphorus
D. Potassium

A  B  C  D  
Question No. 49
20. The most important centre for the formation of lymph is
A. Liver
B. Spleen
C. Pancreas
D. Kidney

A  B  C  D  
Question No. 50
143. Which of the following is a bacterial disease ?
A. Rabies
B. Measles
C. Small pox
D. Tuberculosis

A  B  C  D